Our experiences have taught us that deconstructing the fears and myths about mental illness will reduce the over reliance on restrictive interventions which interfere with recovery.

“My ascent from madness to my present state of clarity and self-acceptance was and is a journey whose responsibility always resided within me. However, as I try to describe and share with others what wisdom I acquired, to aid others in their work, I acknowledge one element that I do not understand or take credit for, something that is named or interpreted according to one’s unique beliefs and values as luck, fate, karma, or God’s blessing.
I believe that as long as a person is alive, some seed of Hope, some possibility is there waiting to be fertilized. Hope fights the fear, nurtures the courage, and inspires the vision and the work required to resist giving up and accepting that your goals are unattainable. Deep in the recesses of our being there are safe sanctuaries, secure hiding places for never fully lost dreams. But sometimes they are hidden so well that we can no longer reach those parts of ourselves. The help we need may come from expected and unexpected sources.”
~ Ronald Bassman

How are we different?
We offer support services and resources that foster hope in recovery from extreme mental states or challenging emotional experiences without forced or toxic treatments.